Help students reach the top!
Student Leadership unlocks kids' drive to succeed, with fun, fast-paced, interactive sessions that teach students how to become powerful, effective leaders.
Through facilitated instruction & group activities, students learn the essential skills, techniques, and tools for lifelong success:
- Effective communication
- Motivating & inspiring others
- Goal-setting & career-planning
- Time & money management
Sessions are hands-on, highly effective, and guaranteed to produce immediate results

Understand the essentials. Leadership is a skill that can be learned, and in this session participants learn the different types of leaders and what it takes to be an effective leader in today's culture.
The Motivated Coach Model is today's ideal model of leadership - rather than be an authoritarian who makes decisions and dictates orders, today's leader finds out what people want and empowers that, keeping them motivated to reach their goals.
Before you can manage people, you have to be able to manage things. This module offers insight into organizing the particles around you, so you know exactly where everything is and how to get there.
Only 7% of communication exists in the words that you say. The other 93% comes from your body language (55%) and your tone of voice (38%).
This session identifies these and other critical components of presentations and public speaking, and then defines strategies and techniques for maximizing your effectiveness in front of a crowd. Covered in this session:
- Tone of voice
- Body movement, posture & gestures
- Techniques for keeping people engaged
- Content design
If you ask a student what they want to be when they grow up, many of them are pretty good at dreaming big. But if you ask them how they plan to get there, most won't have any idea.
This session offers students practical advice for finding the right job, including resume, cover letter, and interview skills.
Included in this session:
- Getting the job you want
- What employers are looking for
- Questions you should be prepared to ask
- Things you should never say
- Money management
People who are successful in life are those who define what they want and then go after it. In this module, students develop a mission statement and then start "planting the seeds" of their "Commitment Tree"
We start by brainstorming ideas for what they want in life, or what would have them be fulfilled, then we explore why that particular idea inspires them. Then we look at definitions of success, and we create short-term and long-term goals that fulfill their greater commitment for their lives.
The key to successful leadership is motivating others and yourself. Students go through 30 different activities in a fun, interactive team environment, solving problems and experiencing the training together.
In this session we define the motivation hygiene theory (producing satisfaction and avoiding dissatisfaction), the "I Am Principle" (creating a positive attitude to produce positive results) and others, and practice putting these techniques to work.
Poor money management can be one of the biggest obstacles to long-term success, so here we focus on what it takes to be financially responsible, without sacrificing the lifestyle Generation Next has grown to expect.
Students learn:
- The value of a dollar
- How to plan for the long-term
- Managing and controlling your finances today, not tomorrow
One of the keys to lifelong effectiveness and productivity is making the best use of your time. This session offers practical time management tools and techniques, so that kids can better manage their time, get organized and produce results.
People communicate differently, think differently, and are motivated by different things, and understanding that is key to effective leadership. This session identifies the different personality profiles, so students can speak their peers' languages, and not just their own:
- Direct vs. Indirect
- Supporting vs. Controlling
- Representational Systems
- Visual
- Auditory
- Kinesthetic
- Six Brain Functions
- Authoritative
- Deductive
- Emotional
- Intuitive
- Sensory
- Test-driver
The secret to happiness is to find something you love to do, and then figure out how to get paid for it. The Entrepreneurship workshop teaches how easy it is to start a business and immediately begin making money.
- Figuring out what the market wants
- Solving the problem
- Financing
- Business management
- Growth
What does your image say about you? What could you change about your appearance that would have it tell the story you want to tell?
Before you ever open your mouth, a job interviewer is making decisions based on clothes, body language, and hair style. While some kids already focus on their image - perhaps a little too much - this session's primary focus is dressing for success and projecting a positive, influential image.
Students often find themselves in leadership roles, only to discover they have no idea what they're supposed to do once they get there. This session teaches them the ins and outs of being an officer or a leader in their community and out in the world.
- How to run a meeting (including Roberts Rules of Order)
- Goal-setting
- Managing expectations
- Meeting set-up and event coordination
- Recruiting others and growing the cause
"Motivation via intimidation" no longer works. Generation Next needs coaches and mentors, and advisors should be the ultimate resource for these kids. Effective advisers must act as innovative thinkers, savvy goal-setters, expert communicators, risk-takers, mentors, coaches and counselors.
- Overcome self-limiting behaviors
- Leverage your strengths - Advisors come away from this session motivated and empowered, with a newfound respect for their students and ability to support them in achieving their goals.
Adults often complain that kids today don't have any manners, but given the chance - and the proper training - they are eager to please. The Etiquette session goes into great detail on the rules and guidelines for formal, professional, and public appearance:
- How to make proper introductions
- The value of expressing gratitude
- Dressing appropriately
- Formal greetings
- The formal dinner
- Directing meetings with grace and style
Robert's Rules of Order may seem antiquated at first, but when you've been in a large, poorly run meeting, you quickly learn its value. This session teaches students to conduct efficient and effective meetings, a skill that will prove to be valuable throughout their lifetimes.
This insightful and shocking program shatters the myths surrounding teen violence and drug abuse with a straightforward, thought provoking, and realistic look at the dangers and consequences of gang involvement. We encourage the "good" kids to become a part of the solution and teach people how to resolve conflicts without violence.