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corp testimonials






"I heard nothing but positive comments later that afternoon and for the next two days about this program."
Vernon ISD, TX
"Our faculty and staff really enjoyed the presentation and received strategies they can put into practice in their classrooms and daily lives. Very Positive — Lots of laughing — Lots of audience interaction and participation."
Orange Grove ISD, TX
"Not only did we hear interesting factual information, but it was presented in an entertaining and hands-on way. The teachers and staff commented that this was one of the few Professional Learning Activities they attended that they forgot to watch the clock. It was an excellent way to begin our new school year! Very positive comments from all three levels — elementary, middle, and high school students."
Telfair County Schools, GA
"Our teachers really liked the explanation of four generations working together and the EASY step method. Bryan kept the audience's attention throughout the full day session. The audiovisuals were excellent. The exercise activities were very good. Fantastic... Teachers really enjoyed it!!!!"
EGION XV Education Service Center ,TX
"Teachers who attended were MORE than satisfied! They were all engaged!"
Hope Public Schools, AR
"Learning specific techniques on how to approach difficult situations was perfect for our teachers. The presentation was animated, funny and informative. Teachers LOVED it!!"
Tioga ISD, TX
"Teacher feedback was positive from the No Teacher Left Behind training session. They found the session to be upbeat and capturing. They also felt that the information was very good, and were ready to implement the strategies learned right away."
Richard Milburn Academy, Ft. Worth TX
"Bryan has the ability to connect with each member of the audience. Our teachers Loved IT!!!"
Caldwell Public Schools, TX
"The presenter was very friendly and knowledgeable. We all loved the great energy of the presenter."
Cromwell Public Schools, CT
"One of our campuses decided to use the EASY tool for dealing with conflict campus-wide, and has shared that it is making a positive difference. Response was quite positive and was well received."
Red Oak ISD, TX
"One of our campuses decided to use the EASY tool for dealing with conflict campus-wide, and has shared that it is making a positive difference. Response was quite positive and was well received."
Red Oak ISD, TX
"I really enjoyed Bryan's presentation. As an individual with ADHD, I truly appreciated his style. Even though I'm from the Baby Boomer generation, it is often difficult for me to sit through seminars (my hyperactivity plays a huge role in this) and I avoid them at all costs. In this day and age, I tend to rely on online webinars to stay current with continuing education. Bryan had my full attention throughout. The information presented was fascinating and his speaking style held my interest. I look forward to his next visit."
Great Lakes Academy, TX
"An urgency for changing teaching behaviors due to changing student learning styles was communicated wittily and effectively. There were plenty of audience participation opportunities to keep them engaged and involved in the session. I sat in the back so I could monitor some of our worst offenders at staff development sessions and the level of engagement was outstanding!"
Comanche ISD
"Bryan Fiese's easy-going, yet, enthusiastic manner of talking to a crowd puts participants at ease. You feel like he is talking just to you and not a roomful of people! He knows his material and delivers it very well. Everyone enjoyed the program it and valued the information learned."
Collin County Educator Symposium
"Everyone very much enjoyed the presentation and valued the information learned. Bryan kept the audiences attention throughout the entire program. I gave this program a 10 out of 10."
"Bryan is on top of his game. The audience loved the presentation & learned so much valuable information."
Region XV Education Service Center